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Fairmont Jaipur – A chic Rajasthan indulgence fit for Kings and Queens

Fairmont Jaipur Hotel Outside

Fairmont Jaipur – where time stands still

Fairmont Jaipur Hotel Outside

The drums beat to the ancient rhythms of India, as our car pulls over into the driveway of Fairmont Jaipur I feel like we have travelled back in time. The majestic building designed like a regal fort seems impenetrable. We are welcomed at the front gate, the entire scene feels like a movie. With elegant precision the hotel team welcomes us at the entrance arches. As we walk through a regal shower of fragrant red rose petals we learn that the formal drummer beats a Welcome Dhol, the traditional percussion instrument of Rajasthan. This used to be the official welcome for Kings and Queens upon arrival, a ceremony the Fairmont Jaipur team brings back to life effortlessly, living the traditions and culture of Rajasthan to this day. I can’t believe the welcome ceremony this hotel rolls out for every single guest arriving, even before seeing the actual hotel I am already blown away by the attention to detail and cannot wait to explore the property.

Fairmont Jaipur Arrival Ceremony

A lovely girl named Yatika takes the time to invite us for tea and explains about the hotel, its traditions and that it is of high importance to the entire hotel team to make every single guest interaction memorable. Tea is served in expensively painted china cups, my eyes wander through the chic salon and bar while take sips of my Cardamon Chai. Bright colors, heavy silk fabrics and embroidered details bring together the light-flooded sitting area. Historical lampshades and polished silvers – time stands still. I feel like a Queen for a day, I guess I can handle that.

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We are shown around to have a look at the hotel, after all we only have time here for one day which I am already a bit sad about because I am getting the feeling I could spend centuries in this place.

Fairmont Jaipur Welcome Ceremony

Yatika explains that Fairmont Jaipur was built in the tradition of the region’s grand Mughal palaces and has 245 rooms to offer. Along with 7 restaurants and lounges guests can indulge in traditional cuisine fused with international influences wherever they please. I am already excited for lunch.

Fairmont Jaipur gardens

To begin our tour we head upstairs to have a look at a suite. On the way there I spot expensive jewelry exhibited behind glass, oil paintings portraying birds of paradise, and hand-carved wooden furniture along with perfectly fluffed up silk pillows on velvet chaise lounges here and there. The hallways on every floor are lit by metallic torches, fort style down to every last detail the hotel lives the glorious Jaipur days in a wonderful symbiosis of tradition and modern standards. Yatika opens the heavy wooden door and leads the way into one of the spacious rooftop suites. The rooms are comfortable and airy, grandeur and opulence take center stage, it is marvelous to walk through the suite and feel all this grandeur but also very much at ease at the same time. Luxury is well balanced with relaxed opulence. Large windows and fine craftsmanship for every piece of furniture invite to stay in this little royal apartment consisting of a living room, a bedroom, an oversize bathroom with tub ( floating rose petals, of course) and a spacious rooftop terrace.

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We move on to see the spa, I am a wellness addict and love the Willow Stream Spa concept you can find in any Fairmont Hotel. Again design and architechture remind me of older days, but the facilities are spotless and polished. Several treatment rooms all in fort style invite to be pampered, a steam bath and jacuzzi bring relaxation after training at state of the art gym.

Fairmont Jaipur Willow Stream Spa

We head to lunch and cross over one of the many lawns, the place is a perfect wedding destination as well. Theme based destination weddings in this hotel would be larger than life. How I love the idea of candlelight flooded tents, festive tables and colorful ladies dressed in saris celebrating together. Note to myself, I have yet to participate in a full-blown Indian wedding.

Fairmont Jaipur Travel & Treasures

We enter the restaurant and our table is already prepared. I study the menu while sipping a refreshing watermelon-mint juice and while the choice of rich and creamy Rajasthan dishes and Thaalis is overwhelming, I order my favorite – butter chicken and garlic Naan bread. We munch on the delicious dishes and enjoy the smooth gravy and masalas. Service was quick, attentive and discrete. The friendly staff are definitely an asset for the entire hotel, I did feel like a little Rani for a while.

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Fairmont Jaipur, I cannot wait to be back.

Fairmont Jaipur Welcome Drum Dhol

Fairmont Jaipur, I cannot wait to be back.

To get more information on rates and availability visit

1 Comment

  • Yatika
    November 13, 2018 at 3:28 am

    You are more than welcome to our Palace again

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